Saturday, March 5, 2011

Drooling over Wall Decorations

I wanted to share this cool etsy shop that I found through a recent post over at NewlyWoodwards. I checked out the link there to Lindsay and her husband Aubrey's blog which I am really enjoying, but Lindsay also makes the most adorable prints at her etsy shop. Check her out! Aren't the alphabet name prints so cute?! I want one for Little M! I also love that she is Canadian, just like me :) (can you tell I've been living in the US for long enough that I think Canadians are scarce?) I may just have to try to recreate one of those prints at home, since there isn't any room in the budget to buy one in the near future (darn those budget priorities!).

In other wall hanging news, I've been doing a lot of drooling over all the art & photo gallery walls that are so popular around the blogging world, and I've been dreaming of putting one up on our long, bare wall. (Please ignore the 2 sad lonely frames currently occupying that space!) I think a wall of art & photos could make this space really great.
Oh, and check this out. While I was writing this I realized that I didn't have any great pictures of just that portion of wall, and this pic below was the closest I could find. I snapped this pic the day before Valentine's Day, that's Little M scooting down the hallway getting ready for her photo shoot for Grammy. What stunned me was how different the hallway looks compared to before (most of) the black trim went up! Wow. I love how crisp the new look is!

1 comment:

  1. The trim really makes a difference. I love photo walls -- and have done some looking about how to do them well. The gist of it seems to be that you need a Plan before you start putting them up. (Well, duh, but I didn't do that with mine). Recommended is to make paper cutouts and stick them up. I've seen a few with the frames different, rather than using uniform frames. Differently shaped frames, but all one colour.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do.
    With the wall and the chicken coop.
