Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paper Clutter - Hot Spot #2

I've finished going through Project: Simplify's Hot Spot #2, Paper Clutter, which for me involved my desk in the closet of our guest bedroom.  I forgot to take a before picture (oops!) as I was so excited to be able to see my desk surface that I just dove right in and started making piles. But this pic shows pretty much the quantity of paper I had to go through - not too much.

I made a 'to be recycled' pile, a 'to be filed' pile, and a 'to deal with file'. Luckily when I moved my desk from the nursery into the guest bedroom about a month ago, I went through a ton of papers and so my piles weren't too bad.  I did manage to set some hanging files on the side of my desk up to help slow the paper pile build up in the future though - a 'current' folder for my current projects, and a 'to file' folder for when I don't have time to do more than move old bills to my desk.
I also tried to be better about dealing with the mail when it came into the house, hanging the bills to pay up on the fridge, opening and recycling any junk-type mail that comes in my husbands name (I rarely get junk mail addressed to me, and he rarely deals with his), and moving the newspapers immediately to the hearth for starting the fire in the mornings. I am going to really try to stop paper piles from starting so they don't get so overwhelming! Here are a couple of after pictures:


  1. I'm always so amazed by people who have so little paper. Just my back taxes documentation takes an entire file drawer!

  2. I love your office in a closet! Great idea!

    happy day!
