Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chicken coop room dividers

We've been really busy around the property in the last week getting the chicken coop ready for chicks. Its been slow work since we typically have only had an hour or two each day to work on the coop, and that's with a one year old needing entertainment & getting into everything!

We still need to add doors and put the chicken wire up on the interior walls, and finish the outside fence, but it's looking worlds better than when we started.

What we did:
  • scraped & swept out all the junk and poop
  • hosed out the inside
  • scrubbed & swept the dirty water out several times
  • sloshed vinegar over the floor and a bit up the walls (see this post by Jill over at the Prairie Homestead)
  • scrubbed the floors again
  • hosed the coop out again
  • scrubbed and swept the water out one last time
  • left it to dry
  • started building walls!
Here are some progress pics. I hope I'll be able to do a full 'reveal' sometime on the weekend or early next week, then it will be time to wait for the little chickies!!


  1. looks like fun. I also put diatomaceous earth down before the bedding it helps to prevent lice and flies. Your little girl is so darn cute!!!

  2. Oh my favorite, scrubbing coops! I know how much time that takes, not to mention we've had enough poultry construction projects around here the last couple of years to keep us busy for a lifetime. Your coop is looking great though, and you know it will all be worth it as soon your adorable little chicks arrive!!!
