Sunday, May 1, 2011

Garden sprouts & sunporch seedlings

This week for the homestead barn hop I'm sharing the garden progress I've been seeing. Both my Sutton's peas & sugar snap peas are coming up in the garden.

The thornless raspberries that we planted last year are doing quite well. Although longer term we will likely move them to raised beds nearer the house, for the time being we are just trying to keep them from spreading too much in the garden.
The garlic is doing really well, and to the left there is a little onion that I must have missed last fall!
Beside the garlic & lone onion are several garlic chives that overwintered well, and past them are the strawberries, which have been taking over since I planted them last spring.
I planted some russet potatoes between where the tomatoes and peppers will go. Hopefully we have better luck with them this year. Last year we didn't manage to grow any potato plants, and the year before our one plant only produced 2 small potatoes in the shorter-than-normal growing season after we moved in.
Inside on the sunporch my seedlings are doing very well. There are 4 types of peppers, 3 types of tomatoes, some onions, some yellow & orange marigolds, and some new little herb sprouts - mint, lavender, oregano, and rosemary. I'm pretty excited to have the herbs. In past years I have tried to grow herbs for the garden, but I've only managed to have some rosemary, basil, and oregano inside on the kitchen windowsill. Outside they have ended up succumbing to too much competition with weeds! Hopefully this year, with it being the third year of having a garden in that spot, there will be fewer weeds!
Click on over and check out the other homestead's joining in to the barn hop today!

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