Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Planting Peppers

Yesterday morning Little M and I planted out 8 of our pepper plants. I had been hardening them off on the porch for the last week, although they hadn't stayed out overnight yet. I was running out of space under the grow light & right beside the window, and the peppers were starting to outgrow their pots.

Peppers are a plant that you really want to avoid having them get pot bound, because if they start to slow down their growth, it takes them a while to get sped back up again after then get more room to grow. So I really wanted to avoid that happening, but I didn't have enough larger pots to transplant them all into the right size pot. I potted up one of each of the largest types, and then put 2 of each of the 4 types I am growing this year out into the garden! I still have at least 2 of each type (and more like 8 of the Jalapeno's!) in the sunporch, just in case the ones outside don't do well.

After I planted the peppers I mulched well around them to keep the moisture levels up. We have good irrigation water, but as we are planning to be away for 2 weeks in early summer I don't know how much water they will get during that period. This way they will have a better chance of doing well while we are gone. To the left and right of the mulched peppers are a row each of fingerling & russet potatoes.

While I was down in the garden I planted out some of the tomatoes, as they too were getting pot bound. I only planted 4 of the tomato starts, although I have space for 2 or 3 more plants.

Little M and I then checked on the pea plants, which are doing really well!

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