Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Water Sources - 3 for 3 broken!

So on the weekend, guess what broke? The 3rd source of water we have on the property... My husband went down to check on the new little larch trees we planted last week, and discovered a tear in the irrigation turnout on the west side of the property. The water was gushing out, filling the depression around the turnout, and spilling across the ground downslope.
Sunday I spent the day mostly digging holes to try and figure out if there was a valve to turn the water off between the break and the main pipe line. No dice. Here are all the holes and the ditch I dug at the western turnout...
Although the eastern turnout has a great gate valve & filter set up (which is still turned off since we haven't fixed the riser that I broke trying to put the fire out last week, read about that here), the western irrigation line is directly stemmed off the pipe. So there is no way to shut our valve off apart from turning the entire pipe line off. This picture shows the great set up at the eastern turnout.
Guess what Little M and I get to do today?? Yup, that's right - dig more holes, work with the ditch master, and hopefully get our irrigation fixed!

I'm not that worried about getting our line up and running again - I'm hoping to set it up so that we have a new valve, and just cap the end until we can save up more money. Its shocking how quickly these water-related expenses have been piling up the last couple weeks! If we have our own valve, we can remove the cap and get our irrigation line back up and running in the future without having to turn off the entire pipe line. (I'm sure our neighbors will thank us).

I'll try and remember to take pictures to show you all how we get it (and the eastern irrigation line) fixed!

1 comment:

  1. This is just a test of your resolve. I'm sure you'll figure it all out! Best wishes!
