Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Petersburg Hello

We've been having an amazing time on our boat trip in Alaska so far! We've got a ways further to go, but have made it to Petersburg. It is a really nice little town, with amazing scenery. I saw my first iceberg (very small, more a bergy-bit) yesterday, which was quite exciting, but everyone we talk to here says we will see lots more as we move on past Petersburg. Hopefully we will see lots more whales in the next while as well. So far we have seen a pod of Killer whales and several small groups of Humpbacks, as well as some dolphins or porpoises. There have been lots of new bird species, too many to list at the moment, but I am getting good pictures and will share when we get back! Here are a couple nice shots to tide you over until then. I don't want to spend too much time sitting in this wireless spot, as it is finally sunny outside!!