Friday, August 5, 2011

Weeding & Cleaning

This week has been filled with a busy balance of work, mama & wife duties, and landlord duties. I'm finding it hard to multitask - I would rather just be able to concentrate on one thing all day! Then it would seem like I was making faster progress, even though I would likely get just as much done either way :)

This afternoon we will be making the drive across to the nearest Home Depot to get an assortment of things - 2 interior doors, many feet of baseboard trim boards, a couple of gallons of paint, a toilet seat, sprinklers & irrigation tubing, grass seed, deck guard, and maybe some new light fixtures. It will likely be an exhausting afternoon, but I do love browsing around in Home Depot so I'm sure I'll manage :)

I've been mostly splitting my time at the rental house between the worst area (main bathroom/laundry room), and the best area (master bathroom). On one hand I enjoy making the master bath look all pretty, and on the other hand it feels good to get really dirty bits in the main bathroom cleaned up. The professional carpet cleaners will be coming in about an hour, and then I will move on to touching up paint in the bedrooms & living space. I also spent a morning weeding and will spend some more time pruning & weeding this weekend. The front bed areas still look fairly messy, but they look loads better than the overgrown mat of weeds that was there when we got possession of the house back last weekend. The backyard still looks bone dry and in need of some serious attention, but once we get some supplies this afternoon that should start to turn around!

Here are a couple of progress shots:

Hopefully I will be at the point of sharing the true after shots next week, as I'm hoping to blitz through things and get it ready for staging next weekend... However my to do list gets longer every time I look around in there (for example, yesterday while cleaning under the dryer I realized that the dryer power cord had one prong sawed halfway through - talk about unsafe and bizarre!), but I am definitely getting a better handle on what needs to be done, and every time I go in there it seems more and more doable, which is really all I can ask for at this point!

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