Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's on your clothesline today?

My husband found this wasps nest down in the field, got rid of the wasps, and brought it back up to dry nicely on the clothesline before he puts it on the display cabinet in the main room. I love having an indoor clothesline on the sunporch! :)


  1. Oh my! I wonder how you got rid of the wasps? You make it sound like a breeze--were they dead already?

  2. Daisy - I know, it's pretty big! I wasn't all that surprised at how big it was when he first pointed it out to me though, given how many wasps we had been seeing!!
    Laura Jeanne - hello & welcome! I didn't ask him, as I suspected he used a spray wasp killer which I really don't like... I encourage him to use a bucket of soapy water - if you go on a cool evening after dark and knock the next into the bucket, it works really well... but he often goes the 'safer' route for really big nests so no one gets stung by angry homeless wasps.

  3. That's a beauty. Display it with pride!

  4. You really are a farming mama!! You are so brave, I would be checking that hive out everyday to see if any bees are still inside :) I am such a fraidy cat when it comes to bugs and creatures!!!

  5. That nest is a work of art! I love your idea of a clothes line on your sun porch. I don't actually have a sun porch, but I do have a porch I could hang a clothes line in. Good idea.
