Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Repetitive thoughts & a garden update!

So I haven't been sure if I have anything new to say the past couple of weeks. The small portion of my thoughts that hasn't been preoccupied with our rental closing and the situation that's been unfolding with the local police departments in the newspapers has been busily thinking and planning the garden & yard projects I want to do this year and in upcoming years. And I feel that I've pretty much shared what I can of those things with you already!

However, since I seem to need to write it all out to process it, I'll give you a brief update on how the rental & gardens are coming, just so you all know where we're at :) On the rental front, we seem to be moving along to closing nicely. The step we're currently waiting on is for the buyer's house to close, since the sale of our house is contingent on her house selling. Her buyer (this time!) has 50% down and is going for a conventional mortgage, so it seems promising that it will close in a week like planned. After that, I think the next step is to wait until the end of the month when our closing is supposed to happen!

Our great renter is obviously sad to be moving out, but she knew the house selling was a possibility when she moved in, so she's been fairly understanding. However she's only moving out the day before closing, so we might be a little busy that last day getting things all tidied up, taking the paint cans up there, and getting clips of shrubs and such that we want to propagate down here.

So overall, the rental situation has been pretty exciting and positive!

Our garden also seems to be coming along well, although I'm currently hoping we get a bit of rain. Its starting to look a bit dry down there and we don't yet have the irrigation turned on since there is still a good chance of freezing temperatures. Luckily there is rain forecast for today and perhaps later this week too. Otherwise I'll be lugging some watering cans down there this weekend!

So far I've moved the garlic chives around so that we've got a nice set up for a herb corner right at the main entrance to the garden, complete with a couple of stepping stones to avoid compacting the ground around the herbs. Over the weekend I direct planted our peas as well as some lettuce, bok choy, and onion seeds. The raspberry canes are starting to bud out a little bit, and the garlic shoots are coming up.
New herb area, garlic chives the only thing planted so far. Strawberries & garlic to the left, perennial bulbs to the right
Inside, my seedlings are coming along nicely, although I've likely got too many of each plant! The lavender plants from last year are sending out lots of new growth, as are the kitchen rosemary plants. Spring is here!


  1. Sounds like a great time for you there! Here's hoping all goes smoothly on the sale. Time to move on, right? ;0)

  2. We got some rain today and yesterday: in fact, we had snow pellets a couple of times. But the bulbs are happier even so.
