Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring cleanup in the garden

I'm typing this from my office at work, taking my lunch break and doing a bit of blogging. This morning was a nice bright morning. I woke up a bit later than usual, thanks to Little M's cold which has been prompting her to sleep in a bit (yesterday we didn't wake up until 9:30, it was so nice!). The extra sleep has been exactly what my body has needed, as she so nicely shared the cold with me and the mister too.

Anyway, this morning my throat was feeling a little scratchier than yesterday, and my head was feeling a little stuffy, and I thought to myself, and then aloud to the mister, that I likely should stay home sick today, and work in the garden. He snorted and rolled over in bed. I took that as an indication that if I stayed home I would likely not have as much time to garden as I might like, so bucked up and went in to work. I still wish I had stayed home to garden though :)

This time of year I rarely can resist the 'just one more trip down to the garden'. I mean seriously, its not like the bulbs will have come up any more since the last time I was down there an hour ago, but I just can't seem to resist the draw of the soil, all ready and waiting to be worked, especially after a long, cold, snowy winter.

So far in the garden I've only done a bit of work. Raked all of the leftovers from last fall off from where we spread them over the soil to do a bit of decomposing over the winter, turned a small section of dirt over to mix in the chicken manure that we spread last fall but didn't get all mixed in, and moved some stepping stone rocks to a section of the garden that I am thinking this year of making into a herb area.

With the warmer temps and sunny days, our snow has been disappearing fast, and I just can't wait to plant the peas (this weekend hopefully!), and start moving my little seedlings out to the back porch to get a bit of a breeze. I know at least a couple of my readers are already in the thick of things out in the garden, but up here in the mountains, spring comes a bit later :) Anyone else still waiting & itching to be doing some serious gardening?


  1. Still freezing here most nights. My daffs are hunched over and sulking.

  2. Awww, hope y'all are feeling better soon.
    I'll bet getting your peas planted will help!
    Enjoy your garden time. You've certainly waited long enough!
