Monday, April 30, 2012

We close today!

So today is the big day - the sale on our rental house officially closes today! Both sides have already signed the papers, today is just the handing over of the keys. That is, after we finish cleaning! Our (very sweet & wonderful!) renter is moving the last of her things out this morning, so after I post this we are heading up there to mow the lawn one last time, do a brief cleaning look through, and grab cuttings of some plants.

One of said plants is the backyard apple tree that we both love, so hopefully our first experience with fruit tree grafting goes smoothly... My friend & officemate at work is good friends with a local orchard guy, so I might get her to set me up with him to do it right the first time. And in the meantime, I've been closely reading this article on grafting over on Curbstone Valley Farm's blog to make sure I do everything as close to right as I can today!

So wish us luck! After today, the next big step is handing the proceeds of the sale (plus a good chunk of our savings and pretty much every other cent to our name, darn economy!) over to the seller of our current home who holds our mortgage, as part of an agreement in our contract with him. At least we then we will have a huge chunk of our mortgage paid off, so that will be a happy day too :)


  1. Whoo-hoo! Time to celebrate! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Daisy! I hope your place sells soon too :)

  2. So glad that this has moved forward as expected for you guys! I know it's been stressful, and am happy that you have one less thing on your plate. Also, come visit in the next 3 weeks! ;)

    1. We're pretty darn glad its over, that's for sure! I totally wish we could come visit before you start your new job! It will have to be sometime this summer when our time off overlaps though I suspect :) Looks like a bit longer still until our other stuff isn't on our plate any more... but things are looking hopeful!
