Thursday, May 31, 2012

When Plan C works out

The other night we were having friends over for supper. Before they arrived I did a bit of tidying and cleaning, you know, the stuff that needs to get done anyway but you put it off until you realize you've got guests coming so you rush around finishing chores. As I finished tidying, and my husband finished making supper, I realized that I wasn't exactly sure what time they were supposed to arrive. As the latest time I had expected them to show up came and went, and no vehicles pulled down our driveway, we called and realized that they had gotten their wires crossed on what day of the week it was; after the long weekend, they were running a day off!

My husband called me up from the garden where I was doing a bit of weeding before they arrived, and we just ate supper on our own. Having a surprise open night, we tried to figure out what our Plan B was, so called a neighbor friend who had invited us over earlier to see her new baby piglets. We had declined earlier since we had dinner plans, but now thought, hey, lets go down and see them! Unfortunately we couldn't get ahold of her, so we had to move on to figure out a Plan C.

Ahah, a hike! I looked around, and realized that there was a nearby hilltop that I'd been looking at lately that seemed a good distance from the house and looked like interesting habitat, not to mention would likely have a great view. We packed a few things, and off we went! It took about an hour to hike there, with several stops and detours, but only a half hour back. We saw minimal wildlife, but the views were just amazing. Enjoy, cause we sure did!


  1. Wow! What a wonderful trek! I adore that last shot especially.

    1. It was last minute, but once we did it we couldn't think of why we hadn't done it before :) I like that last one too - something about the field & irrigation line & having our house in the background...

  2. What a wonderful set of photos. That's a great one of Rory. And of you. And of the house all tiny down below. And ..............
    I think I enjoyed your hike as much as you did.

    1. glad to hear you enjoyed it mary :) not quite the same scale of long vistas as you were looking at on your trip, but pretty all the same

  3. Lovely set of photos. The perfect way to spend an evening. You are blessed to have a wonderful hiking place that close by.

    1. That we are Kateri, I feel very fortunate every time I look out the back windows and realize I could just hike right from our back step. It keeps me sane!

  4. Turned out to be a great Plan C!!! Your daughter is adorable. Amazing photos!

    1. Thanks Bethany, and I agree - although plan a and b would likely have been great as well. we were lucky to have such great options even down at the "c's" :)
