Monday, June 18, 2012

Surveying our Property

Well we had a busy weekend, and one day spent almost the entire day outside surveying our property. I borrowed the survey equipment from work, and we set up the total station and went to town, mostly getting topo shots (ground surface elevation), but mapping out our buildings and other features as well. It was exhausting, especially given that the weekend was also devoted to beginning potty training with Little M, but we felt very good about what we accomplished.

For those of you wondering why we were getting detailed survey, I'll import our points into AutoCAD software and be able to create a surface layer of our property, which will let us better plan fence locations, the new garden & chicken coop area, and scheme about where we might want a barn to go in the longer term :)


  1. Love the potty in the field next to the surveying equipment! You are one handy chick!

    1. Thanks Daisy :) Although to be honest it was actually my husband manning the potty-station most of the day, I got to walk around in the fields with the surveying rod as his allergies were bothered less by standing still and not knocking the weeds and grass around. :)
