Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ready-to-fledge Robins

We came home yesterday evening from a weekend away to find that the robin that had made a nest while we were away in Hawaii had 3 little ready-to-fledge babies peering wide-eyed at us bringing all our camping gear back into the house. Sorry for the less-than-spectacular photo, it took a little bit to recharge the camera battery and the daylight was mostly gone. I'm glad I snapped a shot last night though, as this morning they've already fledged and were nowhere to be seen. I guess we can stop tip-toeing around the front porch!

1 comment:

  1. We have juvie robins and, alas, blue jays all over the place. Oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise! It is fun to watch them fall off the bird feeder, however.
