Monday, January 21, 2013

Balancing gardening & pregnancy

I'm just itching to start planning this summer's garden. I can't wait to look through my seed bins and see what is left over from past years & will still be usable, what seed was saved from last summer's garden, and what seed I will need to buy. I've got a tentative list floating around my head of what I want to change from last year's garden, and a couple of new plants I want to try growing.

The problem is, this here baby, just starting to be kicking up a storm in my belly, is due in mid-June. Now most of my more tender plants get planted out in the first week or two of June most years, depending on the weather. So regardless of whether this baby is early or late, I don't know how much gardening I'll be getting done about that time of the season this year...

I've told myself that one year of not having a huge garden is perfectly acceptable, and I know that with a newborn I won't have a lot of time to be keeping up on weeds, but I'm just still not sure what level of gardening I want to aim for this summer... There are some things that it seems like a no-brainer to grow based on planting time (for example to not-so-tender crops & the crops I just sow as seeds), however some of those crops need a fair amount of weeding throughout the season to grow optimally (onions anyone?!).

So in the meantime I'm trying to put off even looking at my seeds, much less making a list of plants to grow or putting a garden plot plan down on paper until it is a little closer to go time when I need to decide whether I'll start onion seeds or how many I'll start... Since last year we had an amazing onion crop, and I started my onion seeds sometime in March, I've been trying to put off thinking of gardening until February at the earliest. Maybe even mid-February. I figure as long as I've decided on at least the onions by planting time in early March, I should be ok. And really, I've grown onions from seed planted once the ground was workable in the spring too. Not huge onions, not a bumper crop like this past year, but a crop nonetheless. So we'll see. And in the meantime I'll try not to fall asleep thinking about the garden... :)


  1. I guess one year of sacrificing a large garden is a small price to pay for growing a healthy baby! Hope y'all are doing well and staying toasty!

  2. that is the truth daisy - my number one goal this year is growing this baby, inside & out!
    we're staying warm inside by the woodstove - nights outside have been getting down well below freezing - almost down to the zero mark - brrr!

  3. I've got to tell you - gardening in the last month before kid is born is, um, different. (Wendy born July 11th) I had to weed squatting between the rows and looking sideways as I could not bend at the waist in the usual manner. I found the tasks easier after she was born, as I could wear her in a sling and do most things as long as I kept my back straight.

    It's really cold here today and due to get colder. But sunny and beautiful.

    I hope you're feeling great! Hugs, M

  4. Go Farming Mama!

    Also, will pass through you territory in, maybe, early Februrary, and also just before I turn really old (35). GAH.
