Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend in Pictures

This weekend I finally figured out what setting had been changed on our DSLR camera months & months ago that made my manual setting pictures come out really consistently crappy. Not sure at all why it took me so long, likely because I rarely have time to just sit down and play around with the camera, usually when I have it in my hands its because I'm trying to take a picture... Regardless, I was quite satisfied with myself, and I think I even got a few nice shots after I cleaned off the smudged lens!

Our feet of snow is finally starting to melt away, disappearing really rapidly from the steep south facing hills north of the house. Normally this time of the year, when those hills brown up very quickly after snowfalls due to the increased sun exposure we're starting to get, I am very disappointed and just yearn for more white-covered days. This year, with the significant dumps we got in December that kept everything white for almost 2 months, I'm quite satisfied with our winter, and so I'm yearning for the snow to melt & the growing season to be upon us!

The main thing I accomplished this weekend was finishing clearing out the spare room, which used to serve as our guest bedroom/office, and which will soon become Little M's big girl room. She requested it be painted in purple, her favorite color, so we carefully selected a purple that would match the other colors in the house. We ended up with a light purple with hints of grey in it. Quite pretty, and rather reminds me of the color I had my room painted growing up! Yesterday I got all of the walls painted, and hopefully this afternoon I'll be able to do any touchups that are needed. We likely won't finish converting it to her big girl room until around when the baby is due, and so have kept the spare bed in the center of the room in the meantime, although basically everything else that was once stored in that room (including 2 desks!), is now elsewhere in the house or up into the attic of the garage for storage (or thrown out!). I've got lots of ideas for DIY decorations and such for her big girl room, although we'll see how many of my ideas come to fruition over the next few months as I get a larger & larger belly!


  1. Wow! That snow is so pretty! Looks like Little M is ready to be a Momma's helper with the new baby.
    Stay toasty!

    1. I'm hoping she's be a great help! as long as she can handle sharing all of 'her' old baby things!

  2. I'm itching for the growing season to start too, forcing myself to wait another two weeks before I start tomatoes! We're situated such that our garden is free of snow, but the driveway and front porch side of the house still has a thick slick of ice and 2ft piles of snow where we shoveled it up in December and January. I did go out and try to get a peek at some cabbages I tried to overwinter. The bases were getting pretty slimy, so I just pulled them, but the rabbits enjoyed the crisp little leaves. Hope your valley warms up soon!

    1. Yeah, I'm forcing myself to wait about 3 weeks before I start any peppers & onions - totally with you!
