Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The June Lower Garden -- the before & after baby edition

 So right before Little M and I left to head to Grammy's to await the baby's arrival, we took some pictures of the gardens in their current 'good as I could get them' state. A couple days ago I went down to the garden again and was shocked at the growth down there in the weeks since we left... Mostly shocked at the weed growth, although the garden plants are actually growing quite well down there too.

Since getting back, we have been eating plenty of greens from the garden, and the occasional strawberry, and just last night we tasted the first of the sugar snap peas from the side garden too! I noticed a couple of garlic scapes have come up too, so pesto will be just around the corner! Exciting to be eating fresh food from the garden again!

Here are the before and afters:

The garden looking in from the gate. Herbs, strawberries, garlic, greens, raspberries on the right, tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, raspberries on the left.

 The herb area, with different flowers blooming before and after. Funny how most are a purplish color (Little M's favorite!).

 The carrots on the left, onions on the right.

The potatoes, freshly mounded before, with the paths between dug down deeper than the rest of the garden so as to mound as much as possible on the plants.

 The zucchini area with seeds just planted before, with some greens around to be used before the zucchini take over. strawberries, garlic, and seed onions around them.

 The far end of the garden, this year planted in corn on the right in the before picture, squash in the near left, and green beans in the far left. This area was most recently hoed since it was planted last, so it isn't too bad in the after shots.

Now the trick is to be patient enough for my body to heal before heading back down to start weeding things back out to a bearable level... might be another week or so, we shall see! Luckily the weeds haven't yet overtaken the onions, which is likely the worst area right now for weed competition, both in terms of onions doing poorly with weed competition, and those weeds being the largest in comparison to the nearby plants...

I'll share pictures of the side garden later this week or next. It is looking much better since we have mulched the paths with old hay, and since it is a much smaller space anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks so vibrant and healthy! Glad you have some fresh produce to help you heal quickly.
    Continued blessings...
