Monday, August 5, 2013

8 weeks old!

Little Baby E is 8 weeks old today, and boy how fast the time has flown. How different a summer baby is than a winter baby!
modelling their new outfits from Aunt E
I'm loving the combination of sweet baby smells and fresh summer evening breeze smells. The almost daily walks right before dusk with the girls and sometimes the mister. The evenings spent walking barefoot back and forth on the back deck with her as the light fades from the sky. The occasional early morning when she wakes briefly before the sun has reached our tucked away valley and we venture outside to take photos and enjoy the dawn. The few hours spent here and there working with a baby snug on my front, sprawled in my lap, or nestled in one arm as I squeeze some paid hours in at home or in the office - how I love the flexibility my employers allow me!

This summer babe doesn't yet know the bounty that is coming in daily from the gardens, but I'm mindful as I put up food for the winter to come, that these morsels of home grown food will be some of her first tastes. I'm excited for peas and applesauce to be early on the menu for her this winter!


  1. beautiful blog...I just started googleing "farm mamas, natural mamas" and found you. :) Your kids are lovely.
