Friday, March 1, 2013

New seed list for 2013

So after some quality time spent on the couch last night with my seed bin of past years seed packets and last years saved seeds, I've got my seed list ready, including the new seeds I will need for this gardening season. For new seeds, I've got:
  • Arugula (at the misters request
  • Romain Lettuce (also at the misters request)
  • carrots
  • walla walla onions
  • cipollini onions (or another storage onion depending on the selection at the garden store)
  • basil (specifically not sacred basil as the mister hated that variety last year!)
  • Potatoes - yukon gold, russet, red pontiac, fingerlings? (depending on what the store has later in the season)
There is also a list of potentials, if I want to spend the money, and/or if I see a neat new variety:
  • cucumber (still looking for an heirloom variety that does really great here)
  • zucchini (same as for the cucumbers)
  • green/yellow peppers
  • tomato (my seed might be getting a bit old)
  • brocolli (if I'm feeling ambitious!)
I also will need to pick up some more vermiculite and perlite if I decide to mix seed starting soil again this year. I might just get lazy and mix dirt and peat moss together and call it good, will likely depend on availability and my budget after my main seeds are purchased! One other thing on my list to add to my seed starting set up is a heat mat or two, but I suspect that might be a later addition.

Other than the additions above, I'm just growing my usual - beans, squash, corn, peas, garlic, etc. I know what I normally grow, and what seeds I have, so once I add the few additions necessary, I should be good to go. At some point in the next week or two I'm going to sit down and work out my seed starting/planting schedule, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

Right around this weekend in past years is when I've planted my peppers, and shortly thereafter my onions, but until I make it in to the garden store that won't be possible (and since they don't have regular hours for another month I will have to call and set up a time to stop by). I'm not worried though, this year will be a laid back year in the garden, and if I don't get around to any of the above tasks, I'm really not too worried! Our second little girl will be born & grow this summer and that is the highest priority item on my horizon!

What about you? Started any seeds in your neck of the woods? Figured out what seeds you need to add to your seed stash this spring? Made a list of what plants you will grow in your garden this year?


  1. It's a girl! How exciting!!!

    I'm so behind in my planting, but it'll get done when it gets done...

  2. We are up to our fannies in snow - you should see the piles along the road. Your seed list gives me hope that spring will come.
    And I'm holding my own in Scrabble with your brilliant mother. Most of the time.
