Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Seed starting excitement

Over the weekend Little M and I went in to our local garden store and picked out the seeds we needed to add to our seed stash for this summer's garden. I'll share what we purchased later this week, I promise. We then tried several different stores over the next few days to get vermiculite, which was all that we needed to have all the seed starting mix ingredients we needed, but I struck out at three different stores! This afternoon I finally tracked down some vermiculite, though, so we've got everything we need to get started.

Right now Little M is down for her quiet time/nap, so until she wakes up and we can get started on planting our onion & pepper seeds, I'm distracting myself by writing this post and working on finishing up the crochet bunting I'm planning to put up in her big girl room over her bed. Is it corny to admit that I can hardly contain my excitement about seed starting later this afternoon?

If anything, seed starting gets more exciting every year. With Little M getting older, each year she will be more and more of a help with the process, which is also really exciting and rewarding for me. I think this year I may even give her her own container of potting soil to start seeds in - maybe I'll get her started on some of the cherry tomatoes that she loves so much. Or sunflowers. Or both! I'll share pictures later this week!


  1. How great that Little M is starting so early to take care of herself by growing her own food (and sunflowers). Looking forward to seeing the process.

    1. She 'helped' last year, so it only seemed fair that this year she have her own pots for a few things. Not sure where we will find space for her in the garden, but we'll fit it in somewhere. An appreciation for where food comes from is something I really want to instill in her, and this seemed like a great way to foster that! :)
